IPSA starts up the first isolated regasification station in Central America

After almost three years of construction, the company Island Power, S.A. (IPSA), starts up the Santa Fe LNG Power Plant project, the first isolated liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification station in all of Central America and the first generation plant with natural gas-based internal combustion engines in Panama.

The Coffee Freak: How One Man Finds (and Sells) the World’s Best Coffee Beans

FROM OUR HILLTOP vantage point in northern Panama, Costa Rica is visible to the west and Volcán Barú, Panama’s tallest mountain, to the east. A canopy of rain forest stretches to the horizon, and it feels as if we’re walking through untamed wilderness. The only hint otherwise is a gang of coffee pickers in rubber boots, huddled together and sifting through the day’s harvest. “You can’t know this place until you know the forest,” says the farm’s founder, Joseph Brodsky, gesturing at the view before us. “This is where the flavor comes from.”

Café Eleta forms part of the Panama Coffee Circuit

The top of Volcán Barú in western Panama is one of the few places in the world where it is possible to see both the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans at the same time. But the spot, with regular rainfall and cloud cover, and nutrient-rich volcanic soil that is naturally good for drainage, is prized for another reason: coffee production. The area’s geisha variety, maintained and handpicked by the Indigenous Ngäbe and Buglé communities, is one of the priciest coffees in the world at more than $1,000 per pound unroasted.